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Try this simple hack and discover if a person likes you

Jack Takter
4 min readJul 25, 2019

This will work every time. It will work on a romantic date, a business meeting, or wherever two people meet.

Guaranteed, 100% of the time.

By using this trick, you’ll be able to tell if and when the other person starts to like you and trust you.

How it works in real life

I’m sitting with a big thick glass of beer in front of me. It’s a moment of joy. One of the best places in the world to be: a German bar, a beer so cold that the glass it’s in is sweating, and my old friend from college sitting in front of me.

I’ve recently read that when we are faced with a person we like or trust, we aspire to keep an open space between each other. This logic dictates that if there are obstacles between us, we will try to dismantle them. So, I think to myself, let’s test this theory out in the field.

What better guinea pig than Michael, one of my oldest and dearest friends. We’re so tight that if we were girls we’d be the type of friends who hold the other’s hair when puking after consuming too many Tequila shots.

So, there we are, sitting opposite each other, beers in front of us, and there’s a massive TV screen on the wall next to our table (to my right) with a live game of soccer showing.

Both of us are right handed so we’re holding the beers to our right, an unobstructed space between us which, if the article I read is true, indicates that we are comfortable with each other. No surprise that, as we are old friends.

So we turn our heads towards the game and Michael starts gesticulating about a missed shot at goal.

“What was that? How do you miss from there?” he says, while holding out both his hands palms up in front of him in a begging manner. I quickly seize my opportunity and with my left hand, move his beer glass from his right to the center, so it’s right in front of him i.e. between us.

He’s going to notice, for sure he’s going to notice, I think to myself. The glass is the size of a small bucket, just the way Zi Germanz like ’em. There’s no way he’s going to miss a giant mug of beer having magically moved a foot across the table.

He turns around to face me.

Looks me in the eye.

Grabs the beer like a Viking would.

Has a big chug of it.

Places it down way to his right, so it’s a clear path between us again across the table and says.

“Did you see that? What a useless shot.”

Oh me, oh my. It worked, he didn’t notice a thing. Must’ve been a fluke, so I try it again… and again and again. Whenever he looks at the TV, I move the beer glass so it’s positioned between us, and when he turns around, he has a drink from it and places it out of the way, to his right, so it’s not between us. If there was a hidden camera on us, it’d be funny, the glass moonwalking back and forth across the table.

“Didn’t you see what I just did? “ I ask him, eventually.

“You what? “ he answers.

“Didn’t you not notice me move the beer glass while you were looking at the TV?”

“Oh, no. I didn’t. What did you do that for? “

So I explain to him the theory and we laugh. He really had no idea that I was moving the glass.

Works in all settings

After this experience I tried it at work. I was in sales. Each time I had a client meeting I’d prepare by placing as many things that I could in front of the prospect before they arrived, starting with a notepad and pen. Then, I’d make sure to offer them coffee and place the cup right in front of them; biscuits, same thing. Then we’d sit down for the discussion. I made sure to never, ever try to close the sale until the prospect starts moving the obstacles away themselves.

When love is in the air

As for the times when you’re on a date. If you’re having drinks you can use the same trick as I did with my friend, or then try moving, inconspicuously, any items that are on the table between the both of you and then wait to see if the object of your affections starts to move them out of the way. For example, in a restaurant, the salt and pepper shakers are great for this.

Remember, don’t ask “my place or yours?” until that barrier you built starts to come down.

Important note: Do not take this as a sign of sexual consent. It simply means that the other person has begun to trust you and like you. That is all.

Try it out for yourself

This is a useful trick to know. Now go out and try it yourself. You’ll be amazed. Best tried out first with friends so you can see it work in real life. They’ll start dismantling any barrier you put in front of them surprisingly quickly and they’ll do it without noticing that they’re doing it.

Let me know if you try this and how you got on.

